Onsite Chair Massage for Employees
Find and keeping good people is tough. This is compounded by the fact that we continually ask for more and more from our employees. The whole purpose of having a corporate wellness program is to find ways to retain and create loyalty among employees and most of all Reduce Health Insurance Premiums.
With constant deadlines, rapidly changing technology and unavoidable interpersonal conflicts are just a few of the stresses workers cope with on a daily basis. Recent studies show that stress, both on and off the job, costs U.S. companies an estimated $200 billion a year in reduced productivity, accidents, compensation claims, absenteeism, employee turnover, health insurance and medical expenses. The effects of stress are cumulative and without time to relax and recharge they can lead to many unnecessary and potentially debilitating conditions. On-Site Chair Massage provides a quick and effective way to combat theses issues, which may include:
- Headaches, backaches, eyestrain and neck pain
- Repetitive use injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Poor concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability or anger
- Better resistance to colds, infections, high blood pressure and heart disease
- Physical and emotional exhaustion, also known as “burn out”
Great Addition to Wellness Programs
With today’s “always on the go” culture it is not easy for employees to take time out of their busy schedules to focus on their own health. On-Site Chair Massage brings the wellness program to the employees in an effective and time efficient manner. The program is successful for many reasons:
- Convenience — No need to change clothes, shower, or leave work
- Immediate results — Most programs take months to show results
- It’s easy and safe — No special fitness level or training is required
- Effects are cumulative — Consistent use reinforces the benefits
- People enjoy it — You spend less selling the benefits
- Encourages wellness steps — Can motivate diet and exercise changes
Easily Coordinated
There are basically three steps to follow:
- Assign a coordinator — Schedule, publicize and enroll
- Provide a space — Conference room, break room, or a quiet corner
- Promote service — Encourage employees to take advantage of the benefit
Cost Effective
The only cost is that of the massage itself. Since the duration is shorter than a regular table massage, it costs proportionally less. Any minimal expenses for in-house coordination and publicity will be more than off-set by the following:
- No up-front investment in equipment or facilities
- Sessions can take place during break time
- Two massage sessions per month cost less per employee than most other health programs

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